Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Chosen One

Dayton, or - as he decided to call himself the other day - The Chosen One is a good kid to have on your side. More on that story after this.

Many, many moons ago, Jesse and I decided to hit Great Escape Theaters for their $5 Tuesdays. Like all good ideas, that never really materialized. Until today. I called him up and suggested Smokin' Aces. He's down, it's all good. Boomer too.

Later, I suggest to my wife that hey, maybe it'd be a good night to go see Rocky Balboa and then Smokin' Aces. Two movies for $10 ... $5 if the place hires teenagers who don't give a shit about their jobs. $5 it is. I get the "Two movies? What time would you be leaving? Are those movies you even want to see?" She was not in favor of me spending 4+ hours of a Tuesday evening with my ass in stadium seating.

Here's where the amazing kid comes in. He comes up to and say "You can go to the movies. I took care of it." He's six. And he took care of it. I went downstairs and asked Patty what he was talking about. She says, "Dayton told me that you should go see the movies and have some fun with the guys because you've been home a lot and need to have some fun."

That kid is wise beyond his years. I owe him one.


JR Tschopp said...

He really is the Chosen One.

el Craplastico said...

Awesome man....I would love to post your Hardware Basket. Send the jpegs here!

